Not much to report

Not much been going on in the workshop for 2 reasons. Firstly it is bloody cold outside and secondly, I spent a lot of time on 1 project and it was a failure due to bad info. I had to walk away and take a break

453 Auto Wiper Coding.
451 Centre Console Removal.

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Social media. Facebook for non technical smart nonsense. Instagram for non smart personal shit.
Buy me beer, chocolate and car parts.

Most of the hard work going on currently isn’t immediately obvious.
Firstly, I have AI upscaled another 200 photos.
Secondly, OTV (site coding legend) has been working on a full site update which will be more secure, work better, look better and will work much better on all devices.
Thirdly, we are working on an eBay style selling site specially for smarts and parts.

Hopefully it will give people a 1 stop shop to pick up parts.