Mod Description
If you do your own servicing or smart forget to do it, you will need to reset the service display, here's how.Mod Details
PremiumNo Difficulty

For ALL 450 Fortwo, 451 Fortwo, 452 Roadster & 454 Forfour
Please do not contact me saying they don’t work because they do if you do it right. Just doing everything in the right order isn’t enough, timing is very important.
Distance Or Time?
A service is due either after a certain distance or over a year, whichever comes first.
So, if you drive more than 10,000 miles a year, you’ll get the mileage/KM countdown. If you do less miles over the year, you’ll get a day countdown.
If you just see a number, the service is due in that amount of time/distance. However, if there is a – before the number, your service is overdue. However, there seems to be a confusion over which type is being shown.
If it’s a mileage or kilometre countdown, it will be shown in increments of 100. Also, when the number is shown there is a miles or KM logo next to it. (bit of a give away).
If it’s a day countdown it will be shown in increments of 1 with no logo next to it.
Resetting The Service Indicator
Switch on the ignition to position 1.
Select maintenance indicator within 4 sec by double tapping the instrument cluster button.
Switch of the ignition to position 0 (off) within 10 sec.
Push and hold in the instrument cluster button and switch ignition on.
Hold the instrument cluster button for another 10sec.
In that time, the spanner symbol on the LCD will flash and eventually reset.
Make Sure
In some instances, people have found that double tapping the button doesn’t bring up the spanner icon(s).
If yours is one of the rare few that doesn’t, try 3 or even 4 presses to see if the spanner icon(s) appear.
Does It Work On….
Stop right there, the video states
“works on all smarts, button placement varies between models”. (except 453).
So if it’s a smart it will work. I really don’t need to make a video for each model do I? When the only difference is the position of 1 button!
It Doesn’t Work
Yes it does.
I Found It Worked If…
A few times a year I’ll get an email stating that they tried to reset their service indicator a hundred times and it didn’t work ….but…. when they did something slightly different, it worked 1st time.
I tried loads of times but it didn’t work but when I:
“Started the car’s engine instead of just switching to position 1, it worked”
“Walked clockwise around the car 3 times first, it worked”
“Prayed to the sun God Ra as I held down the button, it worked”
“Played Toto’s Africa on a kazoo, it worked”
“It didn’t reset unless I performed the steps whilst sporting a full erection”.
Seriously though, don’t email me with your variations. Your car isn’t unique. This method works.
Ok, Where Is The Button On My Smart?
Right, that’s a more sensible question.
450 Fortwo
451 Fortwo
452 Roadster
454 Forfour
Service Reset Myths
Every now and then I get someone tell me some new bit of info about reseting the service light.
It’s usually because they tried the method incorrectly a few times and couldn’t get it to work. Then they read it properly, tried something different during or before resetting the counter and it worked, they now believe that is the “secret sauce” for making the service counter reset. The actual reason is that the practice they had before helped them finally do it properly or the previous failures made them read the instructions again.
Myth 1 – The doors must be closed to reset the service counter.
Proved wrong
Myth 2 – You can reset a “1 spanner” service but not “2 spanners”. You’ll need MB Star for that.
Proved wrong
Myth 3 – The car has to be in reverse to reset the service counter.
Proved wrong
Myth 4 – You can only reset the service indicator after doing 2000 miles from the last reset. Not sure on this one, why would you want to?
Smart 451 ED
Yes, it still works, even on the electric drive ED 451. Thanks to Darren W for the confirmation.
Important Info
Please remember to get your car serviced properly, resetting the light doesn’t mean your car has been serviced and you won’t fool anybody when you come to sell it. I have only posted it here because there are a few unscrupulous rip off merchants attempting to sell this info on EBay. Don’t fund these cretins.
I Have Lost My Button
Blue – 0001270V004C05A00
Silver – 0001270V004C48A00451
Not available separately
No longer available separately
Part number used to be 0014897V002000000
Look on for our aftermarket replacements.
Not available separately
Jacqui J for the “days countdown” photo
Ben C for the “miles countdown” photo