
Todays info

How to remove the exhaust valance. Fit the Michelak sucker. Fuel filler flap removal Colour coding stage one. Remove the SE Drive cover. Remove the SE Drive and how to make it easier the second time.

Cleaning your exhaust

Shine up even that standard exhaust. Thanks to Lennie27 and Zorro for the extra info. Tomorrow we shall be investigating colour coding. Oh, and going into greater detail with the paddleshift page.

New stuff on the horizon.

Over the past 2 weeks I have been collecting stuff for the upcoming new info and updates, one particular bit of info that just isn't public knowledge (you know me, it soon will be). ANYWAY! In the meantime, I have just got my head around the delights of FaceBook, so...

Nothing new but updates galore

Over the past few days I have been updating old pages with new info. Updates are easily missed so OTV kindly added a "recently updated mods" list over on the right. Just click on the heading to go to the page.

A few new things for the weekend.

Remove the coil packs. New hints and tips area just started. Oil cooling has been updated with a second method. Fit a Venom or Viper induction kit Check out the reviews section while you are here.

New smart industry map

Smart Industry Map. This is a quick beta that I am testing. So far it only covers the main people in the UK. If you are a company that specialises in smarts, let me know your details and what you offer. If you are already featured and wish for an ammendment or...

Wiki now works

As reported below, I am glad to say the error has been sorted so send in any info that you may have.

Site not fully functioning

Just a quick heads up to some of you. If you have attempted to add information at the bottom of a page by using the Wiki AFTER the 16th of August, your info will not have come through to us. There is a fault in the new code that will be shorted shortly we hope. Please...

How2 fit a new roof to your Fortwo.

Replace your roof if it is broken or if you have a hard top and want glass. Thanks to David for having the sense to take these pictures as it was happening and therefore making the information more smart relevant.

Check out the updates as well as new mods.

Just because new mods aren't being posted doesn't mean that things aren't being added. I regularly go back to previous mods, add stuff, change things, rewrite some of the text etc. Go to the home page and you will see the 5 most recently updated mods on the site...

The site has just been upated.

The rounded edged boxes have gone, replaced with scripted boxes that are faster and take less bandwidth. The layout has been tidied for a cleaner look. Some extra headings have been added which will soon start filling up with stuff. If you don't like the new site then...