Massive Update To Encourage New Subscribers

I don’t like to beg but please consider subscribing to the site, it’s only £15 for the entire year. Every year I see a slight decrease in subscribers and I put it down to FaceBook forums.
Some people on there read my site, get the information and then answer questions by rattling off what they can remember instead of linking back to the accurate information on the site they got it from.
Also, posting screen shots is a big fact fucking no no. If you post a screenshot of a subscription page, I will delete your account with no questions. You had to pay to see that info and it’s not your call to hand out the information for free.
You wouldn’t believe how much time and money I spend creating information for this site. It’s impossible to not save your subscription fee the 1st time you use the site instead of paying someone to fix it for you.
OK, Moan end. On to the good stuff.
I have added a shit-load of stuff and spent a lot of time editing older pages of information with much more in-depth stuff. Also, as and when I come across an old page with 600pixel photos, I have been running them through an AI photo enhancer which is doing an amazing job at cleaning, sharpening and increasing the resolution. I’m doing everything I can to attract subscribers by covering as many topics and bases as I can.

453 fuse box update.
453 relay layout.
451 fuel flap locking solenoid.
LED headlight bulbs, how shit are they? Hint, very.
453 headlight pin out. All 3 types.
450 600cc electrical issues? Check the ZEE connector.
453 dump valve fitting.
450 600cc secondary fuse box.
451 Paddleshift coding.
450/Roadster sudden mileage increase?
453 ESP off – highly requested info.
Roadster earth/ground points. Took hours to list all of the connections.
lots of things you may not know about the 451 ED 22kw charger.
453 steering wheel airbag removal – also highly requested.
453 steering wheel removal.
453 paddleshift coding – DDT4All.
453 cruise control and limiter coding – DDT4All.
453 adding DAB radio update.

subscription and site use info.
come and see my very rarely post on social media.
help me buy Toblerone and things to help the site continue.
solve one of the problems listed and get paid real money.