Jingle bells, Batman smell, Robin flew away.

As a few people said that they would happily pay more to access the site,
I thought I’d make a small change. I didn’t want to just increase the price
as most people seem to prefer paying the £10. So we decided to add a slider so you
can select how much you pay. The minimum is £10 but you can pay more if you like.

You don’t get anything more for it except for my unspoken respect and a boost in karma.

Happy Christmas and all that nonsense.

Social media bullshit. Come and join all the other negative nellies who like to criticise everything I post.

450 Fortwo heater lighting.
452 Roadster heater lighting.
454 Forfour inspection cover.
450 wiper mechanism removal.
Better Roadster headlights.
Fix a chipped windscreen.
Bosch Highline map update – don’t get excited.
Roadster rear light faults.

Everything answered regarding the question you were about to ask about subscribing.

Also, for no real reason, we added SSL security. So you now have a free padlock and https instead of http.