Another 600 photos upscaled

If you want to see a photo before and after AI upscaling, there is a comparison here.
451 Centre Console Removal.
450 Driveshaft Seal Change.
E10 Fuel Information.
Towing Legality.
Roadster Lateral Movement Sensor.
453 Non Turbo Brake Upgrade.
Manually retract and extend the clutch actuator rod.

AI Upscaling takes a long time. Each page has a separate folder of photos and each folder has to be loaded separately into Gigapixel. The resulting photos are saved into a separate folder. Photoshop is then used to batch process all of the photos in that save folder. The output is another folder. These photos are then uploaded to the appropriate folder via FTP to the evilution server. These photos are also saved to 4 separate locations for the super redundancy. Each folder takes about 5 minutes from start to finish. The website has about 1700 folders.That’s about 140 hours of work. I’m getting through it slowly.

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