451 Boot Flap Catch Removal

Mod Description
If one of the catches on your boot hatch fails, you'll need to know how to remove and replace it.
Mod Details
PremiumYes Difficulty Mod ID964 Creditevilution For451 Fortwo Linkhttps://dev.evilution.co.uk/mod/451-boot-flap-catch-removal.htm Copy to Clipboard

On the 451 coupe, the catches that hold the lower boot flap closed as very robust but there have been a few failures of the mechanism, the latch itself and the levers that activate them. There’s not much you can do but change them.

Open the boot of your 451. Each end of the lower boot flap is a Torx 25 screw. Remove them both.

Open the storage flap and you’ll see 4x Torx 25 screws, 2 each side. Remove them all.


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