453 Rear Light Pin Out

Mod Details
PremiumNo Difficulty Mod ID1669 For453 Fortwo/Forfour Linkhttps://dev.evilution.co.uk/mod/453-rear-light-pin-out.htm Copy to Clipboard

Right Hand

PIN number Wire Colours Function Connects To
1 Green Reverse Light N10/10 S1 Pin 40
2 Pink Fog Light N10/11 Pin 4
3 Black/Brown Ground Earth Point W51/14
4 Pink/Brown Indicator N10/10 P1 Pin 12
5 Blue Tail Light N10/11 S2 Pin 11
6 Pink Brake Light N10/11 Pin 6

Left Hand

PIN number Wire Colours Function Connects To
1 Pink Brake Light N10/11 Pin 6
2 Blue Tail Light N10/11 S2 Pin 11
3 Grey/Brown Indicator N10/10 P1 Pin 5
4 Black Ground Earth Point
5 Pink (or Brown) Fog Light N10/11 Pin 4
6 Green Reverse Light N10/10 S1 Pin 40

These are the same connections for all 3 types of rear lights for both 453 fortwo and 453 forfour.