Roadster Stalk Removal

Mod Description
Snapped the stalk? replacing a faulty light stalk, adding cruise control?
Mod Details
PremiumNo Difficulty Mod ID745 Creditevilution For452 Roadster Link Copy to Clipboard

Roadster 452

Look under the steering wheel cowl, you will see 4 holes. Remove the Torx10 screws.

Split the upper and lower cowls and lift the speedo. The surround that sits behind it will pop up. Remove the surround. Lift the speedo and disconnect the wiring connection by pressing the back and swinging the locking arm over to unclip it. Never pull the connector by the wires.

This is what you will find.

Push in the plastic clip with your finger and pull the entire unit upwards.

On removal you can see how it is secured.

Push in the clip on the wiring connector and pull the plug out.

You can now fit the replacement or do whatever it is you are doing.