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Hard top installation kit and install guideMod Details
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OK, if you fancy having the hartop installed on the roadster then you are going to need some parts, it’s not as easy as getting some roof panels and then fitting them straight in, you will need the following from smart.
Parts Required
These parts are now all discontinued and unavailable from smart.
The roof panel sections are the expensive parts, they come in 3 varieties, textured black matt, smooth black gloss and silver. They are very expensive, £900 + vat from directly from smart, they come up on ebay occassionaly and fetch circa £500.
The only style you can buy new from smart are the textured finish.
Right Q0009340V009C78A00 and left Q0009338V009C78A00
The hardtop case, Q0015447V001C02Q0 and the polystyrene inserts Q0013165V006000000 are handy if you want to store the hard top off of the car.
If you plan to buy the roof, bag and polystyrene inserts in 1 go, smart have 1 number.
Ok we definitely need the helpfully named ‘bracket’ from smart SA452 778 0014 which will give you the following parts.
The following roof trim pieces are optional depending if you are feeling rich (circa 20 quid each).
They come with the holes already in place although your standard front roof trim does have the marks to show where to cut. A Dremmel will make light work of your original trims.
OTVs rear panel did not have the cutout points, while the front did.
Q0014468V001CB0A00 Front Roof Trim
Q0014470V002CB0A00 Roof Bar Center
As you can see there are little cutouts for the roof attachments in these panels, the originals have little markings on the rear to show where to cut.If you are buying the fitting kit and the roof trims, again, there is 1 number for the whole kit. Q0018871V002000000