Mod Description
So you want to buy a DV from Wiltec in Germany but your German is on par with your Icelandic and your Urdu? Follow the info below.Mod Details
PremiumNo Difficulty

The website has been updated since I wrote this so there may be some changes.
In the top right hand corner click on the shopping trolley icon ‘In Den Korb’. On the next page click on the shopping trolley icon at the top centre of the page, click bestellen (order) at the bottom, in the red box below click Ich bin mit den Bestellhinweisen einverstanden! Weiter zur Bestellung (I agree with the order, continue).
You will now have a standard order form but in German, a lot of it is easy to understand.
Vorname – First Name
Nachname – last name
Strasse / Hausnr – House number and street name
PLZ – post code
Ort – Place
Land – choose ‘GroBbrittanien’
Geburtsdatum – date of birth
Liefertermin – Date of delivery
eMail – all a bit obvious
Lieferadresse – ship to address
Anrede – gender (male HERR or female FRAU)
Vorkasse (Inland / Ausland) – inland/foreign countryTick the box next to Ich habe die allgemeinen Geschäfts- und
Lieferbedingungen gelesen und bin damit einverstanden.
(I have read and understood the the terms and conditions).
Click Bestellen Senden (send order).
He will send you an email confirming the order, reply saying you are English and would like to pay through Paypal. Bernd from Wiltec will send you another conformation email with a small extra paypal charge on it with the paypal address of . Pay it and in about 5 days later you get your DV.