Roadster Button Triangle Pin Out

Mod Details
PremiumNo Difficulty Mod ID1280 Creditevilution For452 Roadster Link Copy to Clipboard

Without Heated Seats – 1 or 2 buttons

Pin Number Wire Colour Use
1 Red/Green Power
2 Violet/Blue Hazard Lights
3 Blue or Blue/Yellow Central Locking
4 Brown/White Lighting
5 Green AC
6 Grey AC
7 Black/Red (coupe) Rear Window Heater
8 Brown Earth


With Heated Seats – 3 or 4 Buttons

Pin Number Wire Colour Use
1 Grey AC
2 Green AC
3 Brown/White Lighting
4 Blue or Blue/Yellow Central Locking
5 Violet/Blue Hazard Lights
6 Green/Red Power
7 Black/Red Rear Window Heater
8 Brown Earth
9 Yellow/Red Heated Seat 1
10 Blue/Yellow Heated Seat 1
11 White/Red Heated Seat 2
12 Black/White Heated Seat 2