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What Is TAN Coding?
TAN is a Transaction Number. It is purchased by a dealer from Mercedes in Germany. These codes unlock features in your car or allows MB Star to code keys.
Is It Legal?
The legality of creating your own TAN code or bypassing the TAN code requirements was a grey area. However, since October 2015, it’s legal thanks to an EFF won exemption. So, now it is legal to hack your car. The only law you are breaking is owning a copy of the Xentry software.
TAN Code Calculator
This was the original TAN code calculator. There have been a few updates. Normally this can be bought on eBay or most OBD diagnostics shops like MB Star Shop. You start the TAN code calculator software, select the feature that you want the code for. Then type your entire VIN code in the box that says “Request” or “VIN”.
Click the “Calculate button and your TAN code will appear in the “Code” box.
A newer version by a different company. Sometimes covers other cars. Problem is, it’s more expensive.
You start the TAN code calculator software, select the feature that you want the code for. Then type your entire VIN code in the box that says “Request”.
Click the “Calc” button and your TAN code will appear in the box to the right.
Do These TAN code Calculators Work?
It depends who you ask. The resellers of these pieces of software will say yes and they might even tell you that the competing version doesn’t. It’s hard to say. However, there does seem to be an issue depending on the year of your Xentry/DAS software. It looks like Mercedes/Smart got pissed off with the whole thing so changed the software to stop these calculators from working. It’s hard to say when this happened but I’m guessing around 2012.
I would suggest that you just assume that it won’t work, so don’t pay for the software. The writer of the original TAN code calculator didn’t charge for it. He just uploaded it. So, either try and find a free download at digital-kaos or mhhauto or just bypass the need for a TAN code.
No TAN Code Required
Instead, what about disabling the TAN code request within Xentry? That’d save you pissing about calculating numbers and entering it onto your MB Star.